Masturbating to relieve sexual tension is the choice many men make instead of waiting for nocturnal emissions to relieve sexual tension. Of individual conscience Masturbation is also something which the Bible says nothing about and therefore, it is a matter of personal, individual conscience, Romans 4:15, 5:13. The Bible doesn't specifically address those issues, Romans 4:15, 5:13, therefore they are a matter God leaves up to your Christian conscience, Romans 2:15, 14:5. While some might define nocturnal emissions or the vivid sexual dreams which sometimes accompany them, as sin, that is only someone's personal opinion. But what happens if someone masturbates without thinking lustful thoughts or has a nocturnal emission with or without sexual dreams? Our common sense answer is, masturbating without sinful sexual thoughts would be like a nocturnal emission, a natural outlet designed by God which is not sinful.Ī nocturnal emission, with or without sexual dreams, is an involuntary thing and therefore, is not sinful. We've already discussed the fact that masturbation is not always sinful.

Philippians 4:8 Is masturbation always sinful? If there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." We are encouraged to regulate our thoughts instead of indulging in sinful sexual fantasy.While the physical process of the nocturnal emission is not sinful of itself, as Christian men, we need to be careful not to feed sexual fantasies which lead us into sin.

Nocturnal emissions are sometimes but not always, accompanied by vivid sexual dreams.Some believe that nocturnal emissions are the result of indulging lustful fantasies or watching porn, although that is more conjecture than demonstrable fact.Nocturnal emissions are part of God's ingenious design, allowing the male body to relieve itself naturally.Nocturnal emissions are never sinful because they are natural, involuntary and spontaneous.If a man does not have the outlet of intercourse or masturbation, the male body naturally releases the excess semen via nocturnal emissions." This spontaneous ejaculation is necessary because a healthy male body constantly produces semen. Scripture mentions nocturnal emissions (also known as wet dreams) in Leviticus 15:16, 32, 22:4 and Deut 23:10-11, about which, some thoughts.ĭefine Nocturnal Emission "A nocturnal emission is a common biological function of the male body, a spontaneous ejaculation of semen while a man is sleeping. Masturbation is a common human experience yet it is never mentioned or forbidden in the Bible, Romans 4:15, 5:13. Whoever touches anything that is unclean through contact with the dead or a man who has had an emission of semen," -Leviticus 22:4, ESV "None of the offspring of Aaron who has a leprous disease or a discharge may eat of the holy things until he is clean. He shall not come inside the camp," -Deuteronomy 23:10, ESV "If any man among you becomes unclean because of a nocturnal emission, then he shall go outside the camp.